The Third Wheel: Guys Thoughts on Your Vibrator

Using sexual aids is a common practice for many women. While some may proudly embrace their vibrators, others may not feel the need for them. However, for men, sex toys are often seen as mythical creatures.

Have you ever noticed this? If not, try bringing up the topic of vibrators with your partner. Their reaction may be a silly smile and a giggle. To men, the idea of a woman using a sex toy can seem both unreal and alluring, making it difficult for them to comprehend.

So, the next time you catch your partner browsing websites that review the most powerful vibrators, go easy on them. They may just be trying to learn something new. And if you’ve always been curious about their thoughts on your buzzing companion, take a look at their perspective below.

You Use It Because He Cant Satisfy You

When your partner discovers that you use a vibrator, they may react with surprise or even concern. They might wonder if they are not satisfying you enough in bed and feel insecure about their sexual abilities. It’s almost like they see your sex toy as a rival that they need to defeat in a battle of masculinity.

The Third Wheel Guys Thoughts on Your Vibrator

But let’s be clear: this is all just a joke. What many men fail to understand is that a woman’s orgasm is different from theirs. It can be longer, more intense, and can come in various forms. In fact, there are five different types of orgasms for women: clitoral, vaginal, anal, blended, and erogenous zones.

So, to any man reading this, please know that we don’t use vibrators because you are not good enough in bed. We simply want to explore and experience different types of pleasure. Using a vibrator is one of the best ways for us to do that.

It’s Just for Masturbation

One common misconception among men (and some women) is that sex toys are only meant for solo masturbation. They believe that these toys are solely for satisfying sexual desires when their partner is not around.

However, the truth is that incorporating a sex toy into your sex life can greatly enhance it. All you need to do is be open-minded and willing to try new things.

Using a vibrator in the bedroom can introduce you to new levels of pleasure. Additionally, with the help of a buzzing toy, your partner can give you a wider range of orgasms and make them more intense.

Interestingly, a 2009 study revealed that using sex toys during intercourse is much more common than most people think. In fact, 91% of men and 81% of women who participated in the survey reported using sex toys with their partner.

It Can’t Feel That Good

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to use a vibrator? It’s a common question that many straight men have. They are curious about the sensations and why women seem to enjoy using them so much.

However, the answer to these questions is not so simple. As a man, it’s impossible to fully understand the sexual pleasure that vibrators can provide because we are not women. It may seem like a small detail, but it’s something that cannot be overcome.

But for those men who are reading this, rest assured that women wouldn’t use vibrators if they didn’t bring them pleasure. However, no matter how great they may feel, they can never replace the real experience of sex.

Wait, There is More Than Just One Type?

If you were to inquire about a vibrator’s appearance, a man might compare it to a pink wand from a Harry Potter movie. While some vibrators do resemble this, they are not the only type available.

To better inform your partner about the variety of vibrators, here is a list of different types:

  • Clitoral vibrators
  • Massage wands
  • Bullet vibrators
  • Rabbits
  • Wearables
  • Suctions
  • G-spots

Each type offers unique features that can enhance your sexual experience. By incorporating these options into your bedroom, you can elevate your sex life to new heights.

Bottom Line

That concludes the list of common thoughts that many men have about finding a vibrator under a woman’s bed. However, it’s important to remember that not all men think this way. In fact, most are open-minded and understand why women use sex toys.

In fact, many men are adventurous and willing to try new things in the bedroom, including incorporating vibrators into their sex life (as discussed in this article on the best ways to use a vibrator during sex).

But it’s not just men who may be hesitant about using sex toys in the bedroom. Many women also have reservations and fears about trying something new, even if it could enhance their sexual experience.

However, if you want to spice things up in the bedroom, introducing sex toys can be a great idea. And if your partner is initially hesitant, try explaining how using a vibrator can bring pleasure to both of you and improve your overall sexual performance.

In short, make it more about your partner and how it can benefit them. With this approach, no man will be able to resist giving it a try.

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